Phone: +65 96988724 Address: 1 Scotts Road, #24-10, Shaw Centre, Singapore 228208
1 Accounting

Over years, rising business costs coupled with the shortage of manpower, have been our challenges as a SME in Singapore to continue survive here. You are you now looking to spread your wings into foreign markets such as Iskandar Malaysia and China Mainland (via Hong Kong). In fact, you are not alone.

The Government has been encouraging SMEs to regionalise their presence overseas, and the Budget introduced new measures to help firms venture abroad. There is a growing number of companies which want to relocate its operation to Iskandar Malaysia and China (or Hong Kong). The advantage of the cost reduction comes from cheaper land and labour, coupled with the favourite exchange rate, strengthen your competitive edge compared to your competitors and explore opportunities in other fast-growing markets.

Yet, relocation is not easy either, especially for SMEs. Don’t you agree?

  • You would need to be well-equipped with relevant knowledge and essential resources prior to embarking on an overseas venture.

  • You would need to build sufficient network of contacts to explore the overseas markets


What’s more, once you decide to take flight your new era of business in elsewhere, you would need to take care of the basics- register your business, obtain funding and secure a business premise. Before you start operating, ensure you have complied with the licences and laws related to your business. You would need to plan for recruiting of staffs, filing of annual return and tax reporting at the end of your financial year. You are required to comply with the rules in the relevant Acts, i.e. Business Registration Act, Companies Act, Income Tax Law etc.

All those statutory requirements & tax reporting will take up your precious time to build up the business.

Now, we have solution for you, we can help you:

  • Setting up a new company in Iskandar Malaysia, Hong Kong, BVI

  • Applying for licences, permits and incentives

  • Assisting in Business Registration Renewal

  • Assisting in Annual Return Filing and Profits Tax Return Filing

  • Assisting in Salaries Tax Return Filing

  • Providing registered address

  • Assisting in visa application


All you need to do is to get in touch with us!

Expanding your Business GloballyProfessional Accountants ServicesStart Up Business
  • Countries We Covered

    Malaysia, Hong Kong, BVI, China. More jurisdictions are on the way.
  • Our Incorporation Package

    • Incorporation of Hong Kong Company
    • Assisting for Opening Bank Account
    • Providing Secretarial Services for one year
    • Provision of Registered office for one year
    • Accounting, auditing & tax services available
  • How To Control The Overseas Company

    You can opt to engage us as your outsourced accountant for your overseas company for better communication and control purpose. We will liaise for you for all compliance needs
  • Value Added Service For Virtual Office

    Sometimes, you are puzzled what to do next upon receipt of the notice or correspondence from the authorities, don't you? You can opt to receive our consultancy on the "what to do next" after receiving the letters related to accounting, tax, corporate secretarial related. We could add value to your business by advising on correspondence receive from ACRA, IRAS, CPF, and other statutory authority to ensure 100% timely compliance.

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